Sunday, January 17, 2010

What to Eat Before and After Exercise

A question that comes up frequently is: Should I eat before I exercise? The answer generally is “Yes”, but that’s where the generalities end. I have tried many different combinations through the years and can tell you there is no right answer. Every individual needs to figure out what works for her or him. The type of activity should also be taken into consideration. For example, if you are planning on any kind of aerobic or other strenuous exercise you will probably want to have something prior to exercising, but an empty stomach is usually recommended before a yoga or pilates class. Having said that, there is one rule which applies to everyone: If you find yourself running out of steam half-way through your workout, you definitely need fuel. Here are some suggestions you can try.

Eating before exercise:
If you usually exercise first thing in the morning, you should aim for 100 to 300 calories a minimum of 30 minutes before you exercise. If you exercise in the afternoon, have a snack or light meal 1 to 2 hours before exercise.

What to eat:
Since carbohydrates are the primary fuel for exercise, your pre-exercise food or beverage choice should be primarily carbs with some protein and a little fat. Some ideas: a banana; Clif, Power, Balance or other energy bar; packet of instant oatmeal; ¼ cup of trail mix; ½ cup of granola or a granola bar; 1 cup of Cheerios or other cold cereal; half a bagel or a few crackers with peanut butter; a cup of yogurt; half of a tuna or turkey sandwich; one egg on an English muffin; half a pita with hummus; ½ cup of cottage cheese with ¼ cup berries or other fruit. For morning exercisers who are not hungry first thing in the morning, try drinking your calories: 8 oz. of juice, a cup of chocolate milk, or 16 oz of Gatorade or other sports drink should do the trick. You can also try a packet of energy gel such as GU. Runners often use these as a quick way to fuel on the go without over-loading.

Eating during exercise:
If you are exercising for more than an hour, you may want to carry snacks with you. Keep it light and portable. Some ideas: trail mix, jelly beans, gummy bears, M & M’s, fig newtons. You can also break an energy bar into pieces and nibble a little at a time. Or you can fill your water bottle with an energy drink. Some people find that diluting an energy drink with water makes it more tolerable during exercise. Again, you will need to experiment to find out what works best for you.

Eating after exercise:
If your exercise lasts more than an hour or if your activity was particularly strenuous, you should try to re-fuel within 30 minutes after you exercise. This is especially true if you find that you are really hungry. If that is the case, though, you want to avoid over-eating or upsetting your stomach. A fruit and yogurt smoothie is a great choice or any of pre-exercise ideas mentioned above.

I’d love to hear your solutions and suggestions. If you have a comment or question, feel free to post your thoughts on this blog or you can e-mail me at Also, please check out the comments on previous posts. There is some great info about where to rent snowshoes and how to buy running/walking shoes. Happy exercising!

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